3 Things You Should Ask Brands Before Giving Them Your Rate

In my latest podcast, I’m discussing the 3 things you should ask brands before giving them your rate. 

I’ve been there before: just excited a brand wants to work with me, so I throw out a “reasonable” number that won’t ruffle any feathers and I don’t ask too many questions. I can’t tell you how much money you’re leaving on the table as an influencer when you do that. Asking questions isn’t only ok, it’s expected when you’re doing business with a brand. Many times influencers don’t ask questions because they aren’t aware of their value and how it breaks down in dollars. Listen below to find out what 3 things should be questioned before giving your rate for a brand partnership.

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  1. Je’Mere wrote:

    This is perfect timing. I’m a blogger and had my first rate inquiry from a brand. This is super helpful! I now need to figure out how to send the rate. Is it a form or invoice ?

    Posted 4.30.20 Reply

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