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There’s nothing worse than feeling like everywhere you look in your home there’s a pile of micro clutter. In episode 8 of the Everyday MAGIC podcast, we discuss simple yet effective things you can do to keep your home organized.
When you need to organize your home, your home needs MORE—management, organization, routine, and engagement.
It’s easy to prioritize work and other aspects of your life over your home even though it’s where your most essential needs are met and personal routines are done. Before you know it, that closet you were going to organize has things everywhere and causes you PTSD every time you open it.
This is why you must start giving it MORE to get the order you’re looking for. There are 5 things that help you keep you home organized:
Manage Paper Clutter
Organize Clothes
Make Rules for Keeping the House in Order
Organize Food & Misc Items
Purge Regularly
When everything in your home doesn’t have a place, there are various piles of micro clutter, and you have no routine to resolve that, you start to feel overwhelmed every time you’re at home. Things must always be flowing in your home on purpose to keep it in order.
In this episode of the Everyday MAGIC podcast, you’ll learn 5 MAGIC Rules to Keeping Your Home in Order.
00:00 Introduction
03:34 Get the Show Notes + Resource from Today’s Episode
03:57 Manage Paper Clutter
11:51 Organizing Your Clothes
16:27 Make Rules for Keeping Things in Order
21:41 Organizing Food + Misc. Items
26:11 Purge Regularly
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