Caliana Lily is Five!

And just like that, Caliana Lily is five. I can’t believe the baby I had in 2018 is five, y’all. In a blink she’ll be on her way to kindergarten which makes me tear up because she is growing up wonderfully. 

Mattie James daughter Caliana

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that Caliana is arguably the funniest human alive. She is such a sweet blessing to our family. Her sister and brother love her so much. 

Aside from her being hilarious, she is tenacious, kind and curious which always calls for great conversation and a good time. She is such a terrific reader and always willing to share with her siblings (the strength of a middle child). 

She is relentless in understanding why something is the way it is, which I deeply admire, but sometimes don’t know how to parent. 

We joke around and say that she is the pink Power ranger at our house because she has to wear pink everyday or she gives us major

The other morning she told me to “take a deep breath” when I got frustrated with something and without a doubt confirmed that she is my most encouraging kid. I’m obsessed with her. 

Calz, I pray you have the most wonderful year of your life full of optimal health, everlasting joy & thousandfold favor. I love you so much. Happy 5th birthday!

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