Because I get so many questions on how to file taxes as an influencer from you guys on Instagram and email, I was excited to write this post. The truth is, I never answer the question because doing my taxes stresses me out as well. I can’t tell you why – I think it was one of those things that I automatically approached with trepidation. I recently teamed up with H&R Block and learned that it’s really not all that hard. Not even as an influencer.

PHOTOGRAPHY // Erica J. Simmons
H&R Block Tax Pro Go is really the tax solution we all need. In the past, I’ve avoided just getting my taxes done early because I dread having to total up a bunch of numbers. With H&R Block Tax Pro Go, all I had to do was gather all my documents and upload it to their secure portal. Then, an H&R Block tax pro trained to handle a situation like mine took care of the rest. Yes and yes.

How To Use H&R Block Tax Pro Go
What I liked about the process is that it was so easy. You literally just:
1. Lock in your price
2. Upload your documents
3. Review and pay.
There weren’t a bunch of miscellaneous micro steps that stressed me out or caused confusion. As long as you had all your necessary documents (as an influencer it’s all the 1099’s from the brands and agencies I worked with, a few bills and receipts), it was pretty black and white. The best part was that I didn’t have to make an appointment or go into someone’s tax office. I just had a baby 10 weeks ago. So, I literally don’t have time for that. And I could correspond with my tax pro and track my progress via secure messaging or a phone call. There was total transparency in pricing, making the process pretty seamless from start to finish.
Why H&R Block Tax Pro Go
Because H&R Block Tax Pro Go was the virtual solution to my taxes this year, I was able to take the time I saved and really focus on my blog and business goals. It. Saved. Me. Time. I’ve been posting everyday (still hard after doing this for 10 years), joined a business accelerator to help me accomplish my income goals and really found myself being much more mindful with Hubs and the kids. Besides, I’m all about working hard AND smart. H&R Block Tax Pro Go is just that – a smart (and convenient) way to get your taxes done.
Where To Get H&R Block Tax Pro Go
The convenience doesn’t just stop there. You can get H&R Block Tax Pro Go online or in-store at Wal-Mart. Yes, doing your taxes is easy – when you leave it to H&R Block Tax Pro Go.
Try it out for yourself! Use my unique coupon code 17333 to get $20 off the cost of getting your taxes done!
I learned that doing your taxes doesn’t have to be stressful. Just get the most trusted brand when it comes to taxes to do it. If you need me, you can find me drinking my coffee peacefully because H&R Block Tax Pro Go has my taxes covered.