Easy Breezy


white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi

white lace dress midi


Finding a white lace dress for summer is always a wardrobe goal, but it’s hard to find the perfect one. Thanks to Amazon, I nailed it this go around.


DRESS // Amazon Fashion — JACKET // Old Navy (similar) — SHOES // ASOS (similar) — SUNNIES // Quay Australia x Desi Perkins ‘High Key’ in silver — EARRINGS // ZARA (in black) — BAG // ZARA (on sale)


Whether it’s on trend or not, I love a white lace midi dress. I especially love it for summer because you can dress it up for date night or church, or dress it down with flats or sneakers on days where you have to run errands but still want to look cute. (I’ve really been into sneakers and dresses lately.)

So here’s the thing about lace: things can get really cheesy, real quick. So when I was looking for one, I knew exactly what I wanted – anything that didn’t look like a doily. I wanted a white lace dress sleeveless, midi length with bigger lace pattern.

Now, Self Portrait does a great version of this. But I get it, not all of us have Self Portrait funds. Instead, I found a more affordable version of the same dress on Amazon for less than $30. A complete win. Well, a solid win. (I bought this dress in both white and red. The white one was perfect. When it came to the red one, the zipper was complete and utter trash. But hey, it is what it is.)

This red and pink bag from ZARA has been in heavy rotation for the last couple of months. It just makes any look pop in my opinion, but especially against this white.

What’s been your go to piece this summer that’s been in heavy rotation?

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