Today you turn 3 and I really can’t believe how fast of a ride it has been. When you woke up this morning, I asked you how you were and you said, “3.” You will forever be my favorite Caliana in the world and you make me laugh until my sides hurt.

I truly admire how confident you are. You constantly stand up for yourself, your sister and your brother when you don’t agree with me or your dad. And even though the battle now is often for fruit snacks for breakfast, I encourage you to never lose that fight. It’s important to stand up for what you believe is right.
We’re currently going through potty training and you’re starting to get the hang of it. It’s been a gradual process but the last few days you’ve really done a good job asking to go.
You’re a huge fan of fruits – especially blueberries, bananas and oranges. You also really love Daddy’s pancakes. Every Saturday when Daddy makes them, you eat so many. And you LOVE Paw Patrol + PJ Masks as well as reading books. When it’s time for bed or naptime, you insist we read. Sometimes even 2 or 3 times. Your favorite book at the moment is Llama Llama Red Pajama and Pete the Cat & the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
One of my favorite moments with you is when you do something you think is funny and you’ll turn to me and say, “Mom, I’m such a silly goose.” And yes, you are.
We have such a great time with you and you’re just so much fun. I pray you have a thousandfold favor in your third year of life where you’re encouraged to grow more of yourself each and every day.
The absolute sweetest note! What a big girl she is! Happy birthday Caliana! ✨