May Favorites 2017

I am so excited to finally have another favorites video up! I love doing these types of videos and getting into my beauty nerd ways. Of course, if you enjoy this video, I would appreciate it so much if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel.

This month, I had 7 go to products – some makeup, some skin care and one body care product. Even though, I explain it in the video, I wanted to share why I enjoyed each of these products so much in case you were considering purchasing or yourself. Of course, you can click each name of the product and purchase it directly. Watch below and let me know what type of video you would like to see from me in the comments below!

Smashbox Halo Hydrating Perfecting Powder in Light/Medium
With the uproar of talc (what’s used in most banana powders) causing cancer, I was on a mission to look for a powder that, you know, didn’t do that. So I took it to good ole Sephora, where I met Tae who schooled me on the greatness that is this Smashbox powder. For the sake of transparency, I do have a relationship with Smashbox and they send me product from time to time. This isn’t one of those times. I purchased this and couldn’t be more pleased. There’s no flashback with this and sets my makeup very well. When I use this powder, I’m pretty shine free for 8+ hours. I also love the container. Instead of loose powder just potentially flying all over the place/cosmetic bag/your suitcase, you have to twist the container to release new/more powder. Love, love, love everything about this. Also, they have a generous range of 7 shades so [most] women of color can use. I think they can go one shade further than medium/dark (their darkest shade) to cater to a woman with a deeper complexion.

blackUp Paris Contouring Powder in 02
Hands down the greatest contour powder I have ever used. First off, if you have not given blackUp Cosmetics a try, you MUST. Very high quality product. If you had $100 to spend in Sephora, I would highly suggest a product from them. They do not disappoint. There two reasons I love their Contouring Powder: 1. It blends sooooooo well. The only way to describe is fluid. Which is odd because it’s a powder. I use it with my NARS Ita brush and they are my contour dream team. 2. A little bit of product goes a long way. I’ve had this powder for about 6 months and haven’t even made a dent in this thing. A dab and a half goes very far. Two dabs on your contour brush is usually too much product. And because they are not cheap (this palette is $45), their product being generous justifies the purchase.
Real Techniques Setting Brush
As someone who loves highlighter, I had to find the right brush to apply it. While most people like a fan brush, it’s a bit too wide and flat for me. (Maybe I’m using it wrong.) And while I’m willing to admit it, I was using a powder brush for a short time to apply highlighter and that my friends is just way too much. It just gets everywhere. When my friend, Dom (who’s an amazing celeb makeup artist) showed my that she swears by the Real Techniques setting brush, I ordered it right away. It’s small, but fluffy – which I live for – allowing me to build product (versus packing so much on) and have control on where I put it on my face because it is smaller. Real Techniques is just fantastic across the board. I also use a lot of their eye shadow brushes.
Kate Somerville Exfolikate Cleanser
I got the chance to visit the Four Seasons Atlanta spa last month for some beauty treatments and the esthetician there gave me a skin consultation. Frankly put, I wasn’t exfoliating enough. So in May, I took it seriously and got really intentional about it. My skin will (usually) stay clear and I can control the oil, but it’s my texture that could use some work. Exfoliating helps with smoothing and clearing up my large pores. Now, I’m not a fan of exfoliators that irritate your skin and leave you speechless by the time you’re done using them. I did some research of finding a gentle yet effective exfoliator and came across Kate Somerville Exfolikate Cleanse. (She nailed it with the name.) It’s a foaming wash, but man you feel that deep clean. And sure, it’s gentle, but you should only use it 2-3 times a week in the beginning to make sure your skin can take it. You should be good since its formula has glycolic acid and lactic acid (great for getting rid of blackheads and fine lines!).
derma e Microdermabrasion Scrub
For the days I need to feel the scrubbing of an exfoliator, I turn to microdermabrasion. While my foaming cleanser will give my pores a deep clean, microdermabrasion rids the dead & dull layers of skin while stimulating an increase of collagen production & rejuvenation. Using the derma e Microdermabrasion Scrub has made my skin noticeably smoother and evened out my complexion (buh-bye acne scars). And what I love about this scrub is that your skin feels moisturized – not oily – right after using. Typically scrubs leave you feeling dry (and possibly irritated). Not the case here.
Sunday Riley UFO Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil
This may sound strange to some of you, but as someone with oily skin, I love using face oils. I used to be so afraid of putting oil on my skin because it I’m being honest the oil I imagined that would be put on my skin would be the thick, clear stuff a la baby oil. But then I learned about oil cleansing, the benefits of natural oils like coconut, olive, avocado and jojoba oils. Then a couple of years ago, I visited Salt Lake City for the ALT Summit. Now, if you’ve ever been to Salt Lake City you know that altitude will suck your skin dryyyyyyyyyyy. I ran into the first Sephora I could find and bought a $100 facial oil. That was the first time I used a Sunday Riley face oil (it was the Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil) and I’ve hooked since. Now, I’m loving their UFO (Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil) oil. It’s green – very Alien-esque – but gets the job done. Clears your pores thanks to tea tree oil, black cumin seed oil and salicylic acid without over drying. The best part? This oil is ideal for all skin types. If you even think you’re going to get a pimple, use this oil the night before and you will see results.
EO Organic Deodorant Vetiver
In an effort to be more organic and aware of the products I’m putting on (in) my body, I tried the EO Organic Deodorant. And I must say, I can certainly notice a difference. Now, you will have to put it on 2-3 times a day because it is not an antiperspirant, but the scent is so fresh and actually leaves you feeling more calm (one of the may effects of vetiver). While I’m not fully converted to it daily, some days I just need to be fresh long, it was a nice change the many days I did use it last month.
What were your go to products of the last month? Let me know in the comments below!
*some of the links included in this post are affiliate links which means if you purchase what is mentioned via the link provided I will receive a commission


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Leave a Comment

  1. Shauni wrote:

    Smashbox is my favorite especially the Halo Powder! Everything about it is amazing! Glad you are enjoying it 🙂

    Posted 6.8.17 Reply
  2. Hi Mattie, I’ve been using my Mary Kay’s ClearProof Deep-Cleansing Charcoal Mask and I love it!!!

    Posted 6.16.17 Reply


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