Growing Pains

Everyone in my house is growing. Maizah has like 2 pairs of shoes that fit her anymore (I swear I bought her new shoes like 3 weeks ago), Caliana is officially potty trained (even though she had two big accidents at home last week) and Christian’s teeth are coming in faster than we can keep up – and keeping us up is what he is absolutely doing during this phase. 

PHOTOGRAPHY // Erica J. Simmons

DRESS // MANGO (old – similar) — SHOES // Nine West (old – similar) —
MUG // Rifle Paper Co. — LIPSTICK // Beauty Bakerie

Outside of the kids growing faster than anyone told me they would, there’s the business side of things which is growing as well. I understand how great of a problem this is to have, but it has definitely gut punched me harder than I expected. I am so thankful for Chris and his leadership, mindset and attention to detail. But even with him being a part of the company full time, it’s HARD.

As the company evolves – even saying that is something I’m learning to say without wincing – so have a lot of priorities. If dreams of being on TV are as true as I claim them to be, I have to create more video content than I have in the past. While I love it, it takes quite a lot of time to create video content which means that I have to sacrifice other things in order to make ample time for it. As someone who has taken outfit photos and mastered the art of writing an Instagram caption, it’s a new ballgame. In fact, it’s a different league.

This has required me to create a new schedule to make space for this which is daunting to say the least. I’m good at a lot of things, time management is necessarily one of them. So this new schedule has made me eye roll like a Bravo housewife at a reunion special. I know it’s for the greater good of becoming who I’ve always wanted to be professionally, but it is uncomfortable. 

Growing usually is. But then one day, you look in the mirror after the pain has subsided and you realize that it was – in fact – worth it. 

Let’s be honest though, no one wants to hear that as they endure the discomfort.

Thankful that I don’t have to go through this process alone. Not only do I get to work everyday with Hubs (I really like him), I also get to see my parents all the time because they officially become ATL residents this week. My mom will be watching Christian throughout the week and the girls are back in school. So not all the changes happening are so bad. 

I remember praying for the so-called problems I have now. The access, the visibility, the growth. Be careful what you pray for. He’ll mess around and give it to you.

Here’s to growthits pain and its gain

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