My Breastfeeding Journey & Supplementing with Gerber

I can’t believe I’m six months postpartum – it seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with Christian. Like I did with Maizah & Caliana, I planned on breastfeeding Christian knowing that I would supplement if I needed to. When I had Maizah, I was so adamant on not supplementing at all. But after breastfeeding two babies, I know how demanding that can be on my body. The most important thing to me was making sure that baby is healthy and happy.

Christian took to breastfeeding immediately. His latch was fantastic – that boy can eat! However, he was a snacker early on. He would eat for 10 minutes, fall asleep and wake up 30 minutes later only to want to eat again. HIs pediatrician suggested I pump and bottle feed him at 3 weeks. I was committed to pumping, but after a week, I realized that supplementing during the day is best for me.

When I learned about the Gerber Good Start A2 Infant Formula, I was excited to try it. A2 milk contains only the A2 protein and it comes from special cows that naturally produce this easy to digest protein. Finding something that was gentle on Christian’s belly was important to me. Gerber’s A2 formula is the first and only of its kind in the US. (It’s a highly coveted product in Australia and China.) 

Along with the A2 protein, the Gerber Good Start A2 Infant Formula also has probiotics and prebiotic HMO designed to give your little one advanced digestive support for a great start.

After the first week of trying it, I realized that Christian digested it easily. He wasn’t fussy when I burped him after a bottle which was a relief. Finding the right formula can be a task (especially because every baby is different). After trying the Gerber Good Start A2 Infant Formula for a few days, I could tell that he was getting the hang of supplementing without any tummy issues. It was a priority for me to find the right formula for Christian’s tummy.

Like any mom, I want the best experience and health for my baby. For me, breastfeeding and supplementing is the best fit. The Gerber Good Start A2 Infant formula has certainly helped make this journey a lot simpler.

For more information on Gerber Good Start A2 Infant Formula visit their site here.

This post was sponsored by Gerber. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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