Baby Snack Time with Gerber

Movie night is a bi-weekly tradition here at our house. We’ve done it since Maizah was little and now that we have 3 kids, we love getting everyone involved. 

We love movies and snacks and it won’t be too long until Christian can join us for all of movie night. But for now, Christian loves hanging out with for a few minutes during movie night and having his snacks! A new snack I’ve added to his daily routine is the new Gerber Organic BabyPops. 

Gerber Organic BabyPops Peanut are made with real, organic peanut flour. Christian will soon be 9 months and because he isn’t allergic to peanuts, I recently introduced it to him because they’re the perfect size for his little fingers to pick up. Of course, talk to your doctor if you’re considering introducing peanut in your baby’s diet. 

This marks a first for Gerber to offer peanut in a developmentally appropriate form to help parents include peanut in their little one’s diet. ​I’ve been encouraging him to snack on his own since he recently started solids. You can tell he really loves his independence, especially when snacking. ​

His big sisters take their movie snacks seriously – they refuse to let us start without them – I love that there’s something specifically with Christian in mind. What really drew me to the Gerber Organic BabyPops is that they’re made without any added sweetener, salt, and are organic – so of course, they’re non-GMO! 

So while we’re all about having a weekly family movie night but Christian is more into the snacks. To purchase the Gerber Organics BabyPops for your little one, purchase here.

This post is sponsored by Gerber.

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