The Pros and Cons of Being A Professional Style Blogger

On this episode of podcast, I want to take some time out to get candid on my experience as a professional style blogger for those who are interested in doing the same thing. It’s a lot different than you think, but you can do it!

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been a style blogger since 2010 and getting paid as one since 2013. That’s when I actually got good at it. And yes, it’s awesome. I get paid good money. Brands send me free product regularly like clothes, shoes, makeup, home decor and the list goes on. But that didn’t happen overnight. And while pretty pictures is a part of my job, it’s only one part. And yes, getting paid by brands is cool but there’s more to it than what you see. I’m going to share 3 cons and 3 pros of being a full time style blogger.

Let’s start with the cons:

  1. You have to wait for a check.
  2. There’s a lot of red tape (when you work with corporate brands).
  3. They have control and the last say of the content you create for them.

Now, let’s talk about the pros:

  1. You have access to household name brands you love.
  2. You get paid.
  3. You get (lots of) free stuff.

Even with the cons, I absolutely love style blogging. The pros outweigh the cons and it’s a niche where I feel most like myself as a content creator. And because I talk about my personal style, as my style evolves, my blog does, too.

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  1. One con that I experience daily is that it’s very time consuming. People really think that style blogging is only about taking pretty pictures (I was one of those people) but I tell you, there is way more to it; especially if you want to be successful and make money from it. You can create the best content but there is still so much leg work that goes into getting people to actually come to you blog and subscribe. Then you have to get them to stay. It can be very stressful! But to be honest, when everything comes together and people actually show their appreciation for what you’re providing. It’s the best feeling ever!!! Thanks for your honesty Mattie!

    Posted 10.9.17 Reply


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