Everyday Baby Essentials with Wal-Mart

This post is sponsored by Wal-Mart. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

I can’t believe that baby #3 will be here in 15 weeks. And even though this is my third baby, I am far from an expert. The one thing I have learned and that has actually stuck with me is that there are everyday baby essentials in those first 8 weeks of newborn life. 

All the things you need for a newborn baby really start to add up. That’s why I’m so excited for the Semi-Annual Baby event going on at Wal-Mart this month. It truly is like the Black Friday of baby stuff. Walmart is really a one stop shop for Baby essentials.

Aside from diapers, wipes and onesies – my 3 everyday baby essentials are the Boppy (I love that thing!), a baby monitor and a baby carrier (which is great for you especially if you already have kids). 

Like I did with the girls, my plan is to breastfeed. It can be really taxing on your back if you don’t use something to prop baby up. I’ve tried to use a good ole fashioned pillow but it just didn’t cut it. I absolutely will be using the Boppy again. It fits right around your waist as you sit and feed baby while allowing the both of you to be comfortable. I love that they have a variety of covers with the cutest little patterns. It has has down one of my favorite postpartum items.

Because babies wake up at any given time during the night or naps, having a baby monitor to hear when they’re awake is important. With baby monitors you can go audio only like this one from V Tech or you can get fancy with ones that have video and connect to your smartphone. While those first few months I like to have baby sleep in a bassinet in my room with me, a monitor helps as they get a little older or even when they’re down for a nap and you’re somewhere else in the house.

While strollers and carseats are great, they can be heavy and hard to deal with at times. A baby carrier like this one from Infantino makes it easy for you to have baby close to you while taking your older kids to school or even running simple errands like going to the store. Having a baby carrier when I had Caliana made it easy for me to take Maizah to school in the morning without having to deal with a bulky stroller.

The Semi-Annual Baby Event at Wal-Mart is happening in store and online and ends September 30 – so you absolutely want to take advantage now. 

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