Introducing Everyday MAGIC

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’ve been working on my first book. I am beyond excited to reveal that my first book is called Everyday MAGIC and it’s available for pre-order now

Two years ago when my agent approached me, she approached me with the book’s title in the email subject as it was (and still is) in my social media bio. In my book, I deliberately share what Everyday MAGIC is, and how to find yours and apply it daily. 

I’ll share more about the process of writing the book over the next few weeks, but without a doubt – it is the hardest thing I’ve ever done professionally. But now comes the exciting part – getting the book in your hands

My publisher told me to become a bestseller, we would need to sell thousands of pre-orders even to be considered. They told me not to focus on becoming a bestseller because most people don’t and just sell the book. 

To be completely honest – I. Want. This. To. Be. A. Bestseller. 

Most people don’t have you – an engaged community of amazing people who don’t only look to be encouraged but encourage others as well. So, I’m asking you to pre-order my book (the sooner you buy the book the more likely it is to become a bestseller) and tell your friends about it. And then have them tell their friends about it, too. 

I’m really proud of the book I’ve written and I’m even more excited for you to read it. My hope is that it encourages you, gives you permission, and reminds you that you deserve an everyday life that matters to you and brings you joy. 

Writing a book has been a lifelong dream, so this is a literal dream come true. 

Get excited! Everyday MAGIC is almost here.You can learn more about and pre-order Everyday MAGIC here.

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