Is The SNOO Bassinet Actually Worth It?

Not sure what I would’ve done without the SNOO bassinet these past few months. It’s kind of hard to believe that this month makes me 6 months postpartum. If I’m being honest, it’s because I’ve actually been getting way more sleep than I expected.


SNOO was gifted to me by Happiest Baby. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


You see I was very blessed as a first time mom. Maizah was a great sleeper and very independent. Not to mention that Hubs was incredibly patient and intentional when it came to sleep training. So we now have a preschooler with great sleeping habits.


My second go around, I wasn’t so sure what to do when Caliana wasn’t as great of a sleeper as her sister.


To be fair, Cali has gotten quite different treatment. We didn’t really give sleep training too much of a try because Maizah goes to school in the morning. So instead of having Cali scream her lungs out to sleep train, we let her sleep on her Daddy’s chest after her last feeding of the night. Whenever we tried to put her in the bassinet, she’d startle herself after 10 minutes or so and start crying. I reeeeeeeeally like sleep. So I happily let her sleep on Hubs’ chest.


But eventually sleeping on his chest would get old and I was NOT into sharing my bed with my kid. (It’s just not for my personality.) So what were we going to do?


Enter the SNOO Bassinet.


If you’re a new mom on Instagram, I’m sure you may have heard of it. And my goodness, I’m so thankful for it.


The SNOO was created by Dr. Harvey Karp who wrote The Happiest Baby on the Block. I’ve heard about Dr. Karp and the 5 S’s so I was instantly intrigued about this “smart sleeper.” But it actually is. SNOO is the world’s first smart sleeper that boosts a baby’s sleep by imitating the rhythmic sensations babies enjoy while in the womb.


It has white noise.

It has rocking.

It has swaddling, too.

And yes, it actually does put your baby to sleep. Or at least keep them sleep.


Well, let me say this: it worked for my spoiled baby in 48 hours.


The first day she tried to fight it. She won against level 1 & 2, but once it hit level 3 (or yellow) my baby could not keep her eyes open. It was FANTASTIC.


SNOO is the “safest baby bed ever made” featuring their special swaddle that securely attaches to the sleeper to prevent rolling over, guaranteeing baby stays on its back when used correctly. SNOO will actually not turn on unless the swaddle is attached, which was impressive and comforting to me as a parent.


What I love about SNOO most is that it’s wi-fi compatible (so I can turn it on and off from my phone) and track Caliana’s sleep on the SNOO app.


We have the nanny put her in the SNOO for naps during the day and she sleeps in it at night. My the time she was 12 weeks, she was sleeping 5 hours straight (compared to 15 minutes!). Only waking for one feeding.


With Caliana, I usually had best results when I put her in the SNOO when she was already sleeping. I could sometimes put her in there when she was drowsy and she would fall asleep. That was usually at night. But for her to stay asleep in the SNOO, we found that if she was already asleep, we’d get the best results.


I love putting her in the SNOO for both naps and nighttime sleep. It was important to us that she got used to it, so making sure that at least one nap was in the SNOO was the goal and I believe it made her nighttime sleep better.


The SNOO comes with 3 swaddle sacks – small, medium and large. By the time I was sent the SNOO, Cali was 8 weeks so she wore the medium sack. By 4 months, she was in the large. (This is also when we stop strapping her arms in & swaddling her.) This seems normal as they suggest that babies be weaned off SNOO by 6 months (Happiest Baby has an article that explains how to transition from SNOO to crib here).  Happiest Baby also suggest having your baby sleep with a white noise machine for at least their first year (more info on what all parents should know about white noise here.)


Sure, SNOO will run you about $1200, but for it to last you for 6 months AND you get sleep, that comes to about $6/day. (Which would be the cheapest night nurse ever.) After experiencing it first hand for the last 4 months – it is without question worth it. Visit to learn more!


A huge thanks to Happiest Baby for gifting me SNOO and making my postpartum journey a little more restful.



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