Happy 6th Birthday, Maizah Rose

Dear Maizah,

You are such a remarkable kid. You’re smart, kind, fun and just a light. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was scared because I had never had a baby before. But once I heard your little voice for the first time, I was suddenly at peace like never before. 

Having you around is such a treat. I love you because I’m your mom, but I like you because you make things fun. You’re always down to have a dance party or give an impromptu performance for the family. You’re so sweet to your baby brother and watching your friendship grow with your sister makes my heart sing. 

Your relationship with your dad has always been special, and as you get older I’m full when I see how much trust you have in him and him in you. You’re great at school, you love adventure and you really enjoy being around other people. What I really have enjoyed this last year is watching you grow confident in your decisions – from what you wear, what you eat and even how you treat others. 

You made up your little sister’s bed the other day because you “thought it was the right thing to do since she’s too little to make it up.” And man, that made Mommy proud. 

You and me are two peas in a pod. We can talk about upcoming events or trips and stay up chatting about what we need to buy for it to be really special. But if you don’t remember anything, remember this – any moment we’ve had together wasn’t special because of the things we bought or the place we were – but instead it was because you were there.

I can’t believe you’re 6 today. I thank God everyday for lending you to us. My prayer for you is that you become exactly who you’re supposed to be and have the confidence to be it to the fullest. 

I love you, Zooks. Happy birthday to you!



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